The sugarcane sector in western kenya where is normal to be only cash crop grown there is looming into crisis according to source indicates that some of biggest companies like kabras have been left with no option to close because of shortage of canes .
The region was relying most on cane from nyanza region where the company transported cane for hard time for farmers around there .This was lead by collapsing of giant company mumias .The government claim to having solution to the farmers yet they haven't be paid their debt from the company yet this made some of the farmers to uproot the cane and ventured in maize planting
This is believed to take some months in order to come to normality hence it has made the price of sugar to rice up in a rate that everyone can't afford to put on a table.Farmers are calling upon the government to intervine as to the normal ways
The giant company mumias have been on asiage where some of the politicians have been seen like brokers yet claiming to bring solution ending up satisfying their stomach leaving farmers in dilemma.
According to source the government wanted to sell the company to the investor but the opposition leader made farmers to know what was happening behind the boardroom.This was lead to the richest man in western interesting in buying the company
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